Our Staff

Dr. José Bravo

General Chair

University of Castilla-La Mancha


Dr. Sergio Ochoa

Program Committee Chair

University of Chile


Dr. Jesús Favela

Program Committee Chair

Center for Scientific Research and Higher Education of Ensenada


Steering Committee

  Xavier Alaman
  José Bravo
  Pino Caballero
  Macarena Espinilla
  Jesús Favela
  Juan Manuel García
  Diego López-De-Ipiña
  Chris Nugent
  Sergio F. Ochoa
  Ramón Hervás
  Gabriel Urzáiz
  Vladimir Villareal

Organisation Committee

  Tania Mondéjar
  Esperanza Johnson
  Cosmin Dobrescu
  David Carneros
  Laura Villa
  Luis Cabañero
  Alfonso Barragán
  David Pinto
  Alejandro Pérez
  Brigitte Nielsen

Track Chairs

AmI for health & (A3L) (Ambient, Active & Assisted Living)

  Jesús Fontecha
  Vladimir Villarreal

Internet of EveryThing (IoT, People & Processes) and Sensors

  Iván González
  Joaquín Ballesteros
  Irvin Hussein López-Nava

Human-Computer Interaction

  Karina Caro
  Katarzyna Stawarz
  Luis Castro

Smart Environments

  Macarena Espinilla
  Javier Medina
  Chris Nugent

Security, Privacy & Trust for AmI

  Pino Caballero
  Moti Yung

Satellite Events

Special Session: Cybersecurity, Network Analysis and Monitoring for the Next Generation Internet

Cyberspace plays nowadays a key role in modern societies and economies, and its protection is a pivotal challenge in national security strategies. Over the last decade, various technological developments have contributed to make our dependency on cyberspace even greater, including the generation and processing of massive amounts of data, the influence of social networks over all activities of our daily lives, or the trend to connect to Internet virtually every real-world device. In this special session requests works related with building a more secure cyberspace in our current and future technological context. The content will focus but no limited on three paradigms, each with a varying degree of maturity, that will reshape cybersecurity in the coming years.

  • Processing of massive amounts of information (big data), including those generated by citizens and devices
  • Embedding of computers in essentially all real-life objects cyber physical systems) and their connection to the Internet (IoT, Internet of Things)
  • Challenges and opportunities associated with the rise of quantum computing.
  • General research on areas of system and application security, data analysis, next generation communication systems, and cryptography with an ambient intelligence/pervasive computing background


  Daniel Díaz Sánchez
  Pedro Peris Lopez


  Florina Almenarez Mendoza
  Andrés Marín Lopez
  Daniel Díaz Sánchez
  Pedro Peris Lopez
  Ana Isabel González Tablas
  David Arroyo Guardeño
  David Camacho Fernandez
  Javier Huertas Tato
  Abraham Duarte Muñoz

Program Committee


  Aguasca, Ricardo
  Alamán, Xavier
  Alcarria, Ramón
  Alexandersson, Jan
  Almenarez Mendoza, Florina
  Arriaga, Rosa
  Arroyo Guardeño, David
  Alvarez, Rafael


  Bakhouya, Mohamed
  Baños, Oresti
  Barbara, Guidi
  Becker, Martin
  Bellavista, Paolo
  Beltrán, Jessica
  Borges, Marcos R.S.
  Bravo, José
  Burmester, Mike


  Caballero-Gil, Pino
  Caballero-Gil, Cándido
  Cano, Jeimy
  Camacho Fernández, David
  Capilla, Rafael
  Caro, Karina
  Cavallo, Filippo
  Chabridon, Sophie
  Chen, Chen
  Cleland, Ian
  Comai, Sara
  Cornejo, Ray
  Cotroneo, Domenico
  Craven, Michael P.
  Cruciani, Federico


  De Blasio, Gabriel
  De Felice, Fabio
  De Pietro, Giuseppe
  Decker, Stefan
  Duarte Muñoz, Abraham


  Ennis, Andrew
  Espinilla, Macarena


  Favela, Jesús
  Ferrandez Pastor, Francisco Javier
  Ferrari, Carlo
  Ferreira, Ana
  Ferreira, Alfonso
  Fico, Giuseppe
  Fiorini, Laura
  Fontecha, Jesús
  Fuentes, Carolina


  Galway, Leo
  García, Carmelo R.
  García, Juan Manuel
  Garcia-Constatino, Matias
  Ghayvat, Hemant
  Georgieva, Lilia
  González, Victor
  González, Iván
  González Tablas, Ana Isabel
  Grigoras, Dan
  Guerrero, Luis
  Guerrieri, Antonio
  Gutierrez, Francisco


  Hallberg, Josef
  Havlik, Jan
  Hernández Goya, Candelaria
  Hervás, Ramón
  Huertas Tato, Javier


  Ijsselstei, Wijnand


  Jovic, Alan


  Kampel, Martin
  Kastner, Wolfgang
  Khan, Naveed
  Khelil, Abdelmajid


  Leiss, Ernst
  Lobo, María Jesús
  López, Gustavo
  López-De-Ipiña, Diego
  López Marín, Andrés
  López-Nava, Irvin Hussein
  Lu, Tun
  Lundström, Jens
  Luther, Wolfram


  Martín, Estefanía
  Magjarevi, Ratko
  Mayora, Oscar
  Melillo, Paolo
  Migliardi, Mauro
  Milliken, Michael
  Miori, Vittorio
  Moradi, Hadi
  Moran, Alberto
  Montoro, Germán
  Moya, Francisco


  Nakajima, Tatsuo
  Ng, Wing W. Y.
  Nielsen, Brigitte
  Noguera, Manuel
  Nugent, Chris


  Ochoa, Sergio
  Otoom, Mwaffaq
  Oude Nijeweme - d'Hollosy, Wendy
  Ourique De Morais, Wagner


  Paiement, Adeline
  Pecchia, Leandro
  Peris López, Pedro
  Petrillo, Antonella
  Petrovic, Slobodan
  Pow-Sang, Jose Antonio


  Quesada-Arencibia, Alexis


  Raffaele, Gravina
  Rafferty, Joseph
  Riva, Giuseppe
  Rodríguez, Marcela D.
  Rojas, Ignacio
  Roldán, David
  Rossel, Pedro
  Rotariu, Cristian


  Salah, Albert Ali
  Salice, Fabio
  Samara, Anas
  Sanchez, Javier
  Sánchez Díaz, Daniel
  Santana, Pedro
  Sant'Anna, Anita
  Schneider, Markus
  Seceleanu, Cristina
  Senthil, A.V.
  Shewell, Colin
  Skarmeta Gomez, Antonio
  Spezzano, Giandomenido
  Stawarz, Katarzyna


  Taconet, Chantal
  Triboan, Darpan
  Torrado, Juan Carlos


  Urzáiz, Gabriel


  Valero, Enrique
  Verdezoto, Nervo Xavier
  Villalonga, Claudia
  Villareal, Vladimir
  Verginadis, Yiannis
  Voss, Andreas

W, X


  Yordanova, Kristina
  Yung, Moti


  Zamora Gómez, Antonio
  Zhang, Rui
  Zhang, Shuai